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  • Writer's picturePatrick William Cuison

Improving Your Home’s Air Quality With These Indoor Plants

A dense urban jungle isn’t exactly the best place to live if you want a longer life, and with deteriorating air quality, the last thing you want is to catch a disease.

Nowadays, staying indoors does not guarantee clean air. In fact, according to WHO, indoor air pollution can occur from a variety of chemicals and products found in our homes or workplaces such as household cleaners, wall paints, carpet fumes, and even air fresheners. And when these products breakdown, they release toxins like ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene, which can cause harmful effects on your health.

Air-Purifying Indoor Plants

Thankfully, you can still improve your home’s air quality by having a few indoor plants around. Plants can reduce indoor air pollution by absorbing harmful toxins and producing oxygen to clean the air inside our homes and office buildings. Studies have also shown that indoor plants can alleviate anxiety, boost productivity, and improve your quality of life.

Here is a list of affordable and low-maintenance plants that can help improve indoor air quality and reduce air pollution in your home:

Areca Palm

Want to give your space a tropical island vibe? Areca palm is one of the most sought-after indoor plants amongst plant enthusiasts mainly because it resembles palm trees. It is also ideal for pet owners since it isn’t toxic for dogs and cats. Areca Palms are easy to maintain, as they only require minimal sunlight and water.

Rubber Plant

Notable for its glossy leaves, the rubber plant is efficient in absorbing indoor pollutants and eliminating mold spores in the air. Additionally, rubber plants are perfect for people that are prone to allergy since it doesn’t produce pollen. This is a low-maintenance plant that needs to be in low light conditions or indirect light with just the right amount of water to moist its soil.

Snake Plant

A snake plant can survive weeks without care, which is perfect if you are a newbie plant enthusiast. Study says that it can absorb cancer-causing pollutants and is effective defense against airborne allergies.

Red-edged dracaena

The red-edged dracaena can grow up to 15 feet and can be a beautiful ornament in your home. It is known for its dramatic red trims that can add color to any room. Dracaenas, like most low-maintenance indoor plants, only requires less water and reasonable sunlight.

Aloe Vera

More than just our go-to kitchen remedy, Aloe Vera can eliminate 90% of formaldehyde toxins, dust, and microorganisms in the air. You can place it on a sunny spot of your kitchen and water it every three weeks.

Keep in mind that improving indoor air quality doesn’t have to cost you a fortune, and having indoor plants is just one of the many effective methods to keep the air cleaner around your home.

Which of these air-purifying plants are you getting soon? Let us know via email at or simply message us on Facebook!

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